Monday, 9 August 2010


"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
Welcome to Future Episode"

"The most beautiful things in the world
are not seen or touched

They are felt with heart"

"Creativity is the opposite of routine"

"Nära havet vill jag bo"

"Dancin where the stars go blue"

"You were born an original
don't die a copy"

"Soul meets soul on lover's lips"

"Everybody smiles with that invisible gun to their head"


Staffan said...

Otroligt snygga och coola!! Är helt mållös

Lina Femtvik said...


hanne said...

så sjukt snygga, du är grym! finns det något sätt på vilket man kan få tag på en alldeles egen kanske? maila gärna svar till hannejojo@hotm i så fall!